Bass is killing my ears
do something about that lol, its soo intense and loud. other than that pretty good rap beat/ song you got goin here.
Bass is killing my ears
do something about that lol, its soo intense and loud. other than that pretty good rap beat/ song you got goin here.
i bitcushed the hell out of it, its a normal 12 bit drum sample reduced to like a 2 or 3 bit sample, i like it. but no one else does.shit
heyheyhey this isnt half bad
the into is really good, the layered claps sound really good with the bleeps and bloops. the only thing i would and am complaining about is the lead, its a just a tad bit too loud. other than that this is really good. true techno song right here. keep it up and thanks for reviewing my stuff btw.
no prob
Only complaint here is...
the kick is waaay too weak, sounds like you used ( pretty sure you did) fruity kick. what I do that helps beef up your kicks is clone it and like the first one would have the volume at 25% and then make that be the first kick, then get another kick sample ( a diff one) and adjust the volume. and do that untill you got your kicks to sound the way you want, then last layer them together. hope this helps if you didint already know this.
lol thanks for the review and tips.. i did know that tho.. and no i dident use fruity kick.. i cant stand it really :P i just dident have the big experience in making a good kick back when i made this track.. and also.. unfurtunatly this track was made before my HDD died.. so i lost the FLP file.. i only have the mp3 of it cus i uploaded it to another side long ago. if i ever get my hands on a tool so i can get acces to that damn HDD then ill fix it.. ill also fix allot of my other old tracks.. but atm i have no chance of recovering them. but still.. thanks for your review.. and thanks a bounch for the tips.. i love helpfull reviews :P
this actually isint bad
at first it sounds really crappy with the lead by itself, but then when other elements kick in it sounds and is better. overall pretty decent, if anything when you get bored you should expand on this. goodluck
yeah i know i should expand it but im afraid it wuld just get boring.. i dont know what i could fill on top of this to make it longer.. was just a experiment with pitch on slayer. but i gues ill look into it again.
The into is the best
the kick and the bass sounds very nice. did you sidechain the kick to the bass? because it sounds like it. piano sounds charming. short review, but i dnno its a great song nice and relaxing 5/5 9/10 lol.
lol thanks. and the kick and bass is on two different mixer channels but the volume on the bass is folowing the kick. recorded that manuel cus a compressor couldent do it right. thanks allot for the review^^
definetly something i can chill to.
very n ice build up, like the lead, ohh damn switch to like some bell sounding instument. anyways a very nice piece of work. the piano is a great addition to the song. keep doin what you do.
Yeah man thanks. I've tried what you said already and it didn't go. But this is a loop song so I couldn't have too much variation unfortunately. Thanks for the high score.
I will, this will probably be the only sample song I'll upload so yeah, got to finish my real songs now lol.
Its pretty good not bad at all
I like the beginning, not so much the into but when it starts to build up. from the way the kick sounds, it looks to me like you use fruity loops. (same as me) anyways, when the song got to the buildup it pretty much was downhill from there, to be honest it just didint flow properly like the kick progression happened offbeat. and the lead was alright, but the notes sounded off. other than those few things you got yourself a pretty good song.
thanks for the review! (yup FL Studio 7) =D
lol, sounds like generic house kinda
its pretty good, that loud lead thing you used sounds alright, gives the song some rythm. wtf then it just cuts out and the base cuts back in. all in all its alright. but it can be better. it needs more melodies and stuff going on.
wow very calming
very ambient relaxing type song. i could just sit back close my eyes and get lost into the sounds. gj keep up the good work. btw what program do u use?
Thank you
I used Reason 4 for this piece
from the beginning so far, i like it ah buildup
wow this sounds very good. I can actually see this being used in a video game. what programs do you use? because yeah this is great
Thank you for your comment! Actually, I just use FL Studio but I found some VSTs online ( that do that "rock feel" justice. I did some tweaks to Sytrus, and the VSTs I used to come up with those sounds.
Music producer baby introducer
Age 29, Male
music producing
Monache High
Joined on 7/1/08