song sounded really cool
untill the vocals :\
they dont go with the song at all ( in my opinion) they sound like theyed be in a Heavy metal track.
change the way they sound and this will be alot better
5/5 though because everything else is good.
song sounded really cool
untill the vocals :\
they dont go with the song at all ( in my opinion) they sound like theyed be in a Heavy metal track.
change the way they sound and this will be alot better
5/5 though because everything else is good.
Just our style man. Thanks for the 5/5
Almost spooky sounding
never heard original song but this is pretty decent. maybe the lead is a little off though, like if it were a different lead it would sound alot better. but thats my opinion. keep it up
5/5 to help score
i know, i was bored at this time :D but the original is great one, you should listen it ;D
Not bad
but sounds kinda generic, like the pads sound like FL studio sytrus samples lol
the lead is pretty cool but like someone else said a little simple. once it builds the song sounds pretty tight.
overall 4/5
yeah i hate FL on nowdays :b
lmao wow
ALOT of distortion in the beg, but it gets better. melodys are cool and gamey almost.
then it gets kinda churchy, and all the distortion stops (finally). Pretty good song. but honestly cant see why it got a score rank but ohhwell xD
Its been up a long time but other than that, i cant figure out why its ranked either... but o-well Im glad it is :P ty again
one lucky cuz
dope beat and lead
pretty sick 5/5
thanks for the support bro i appricate it :)
pretty phat beat
i like it, its pretty sick.
bass is awesome
thanks glad you liked it :)
pretty tight mashup
i liked this! claps could have been better and the beat is a little repetitive.
Thank you, I understand =)
this isnt bad
lead is pretty tight sounds almost like hardstyle. Bass is pretty cool not too loud or harsh on the ears.
Kick drum could be deeper and there could be more percussion. but other than that this is pretty good.
the way it builds with the snare drum in the beginning though should be fixed, it doesnt sound too good.
Thank you! I make an other version of this music! Maybe you'll like it better than this version.
woah 8.5 public beta?
does that have any new worthy feats?
cuz i got 8
this song though is pretty good melodys are cool and sound VG'ish and the bass is nice also. percussion is pretty sweet too!
check out my new song n/257348
8.5 has Vocodex, it comes with AutoGun (non demo, for some reason) and a ton of new fixes, including new standard kits.
doesnt really
sound like you used sytrus! so goodjob! i like the trancy lead its awesome! and the background pads and whatnot!
the way the song builds is good to
Thanks very much, i aopreciate it as always =D
Music producer baby introducer
Age 29, Male
music producing
Monache High
Joined on 7/1/08